UV Weathering
We offer artificial accelerated weathering. See how your products will perform in outdoor service. Our UV test chambers can help predict long term mechanical degradation & colour change of plastics,
rubbers, coatings, inks and finished products click here to see how we can help. See also our range of other enviromental tests. Click here to learn more.
About Us
Materials Technology Limited is an independent, privately owned, materials consultancy company. We have been in operation for 30 years and were originally formed in 1979 by our founder Derek Bates
under the name of DRB Consulting. Shortly after, the name of the company then became DRB Materials Technology to reflect the wide scope of materials that the company was dealing with.
Climate Testing
Materials Technology have recently expanded our environmental testing capability to include a state of the art climatic chamber. With our climatic chamber we are now able to simulate cyclic thermal
loads at a range of relative humidities and typical operational temperatures. If you would like to learn more click here to learn more about our climatic testing capabilities.